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Past Series


Image by Mohamed Nohassi

"Submission: The Secret to a Fulfilled Life"


December 27, 2020


"The Ultimate Lack of Submission: Blaspheming the Holy Spirit"


January 3, 2021



Image by Rodion Kutsaev

"The First Christmas According to Historical Records"


December 13, 2020


"How Jesus Christ Gives Us Peace With God"


December 20, 2020


The Holy Spirit


"The Holy Spirit" (Part I)


August 16, 2020


"The Holy Spirit" (Part III)


August 23, 2020

"The Holy Spirit" (Part V)


September 6, 2020

"The Holy Spirit"

(Part VII)


September 20, 2020

"The Holy Spirit" (Part IX)


October 4, 2020

"The Holy Spirit" (Part XI)


October 18, 2020

"The Holy Spirit"

(Part XIII)


November 1, 2020

"The Holy Spirit: Protocol in the Church Service and in Christian Marriage" (Part XV)


November 15, 2020

"The Holy Spirit" (Part II)


August 23, 2020

"The Holy Spirit" (Part IV)


August 30, 2020

"The Holy Spirit" (Part VI)


September 13, 2020

"The Holy Spirit"

(Part VIII)


September 27, 2020

"The Holy Spirit" (Part X)


October 11, 2020

"The Holy Spirit" (Part XII)


October 25, 2020

"The Holy Spirit"

(Part XIV)


November 8, 2020

"The Holy Spirit: The Son of God Honoring His Parents" (Part XVI)


November 22, 2020

The Book of Revelation 

Image by César Abner Martínez Aguilar

"The Book of Revelation" (Part I)


March 15, 2020


"The Book of Revelation" (Part III)


April 12, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part V)


April 26, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part VII)


May 10, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part IX)


May 24, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part XI)


June 7, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part XIII)


June 21, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part XV)


July 5, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part XVII)


July 19, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part XIX)


August 2, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part II)


April 5, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part IV)


April 19, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part VI)


May 3, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part VIII)


May 17, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part X)


May 31, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part XII)


June 14, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part XIV)


June 28, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part XVI)


July 12, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part XVIII)


July 26, 2020

"The Book of Revelation" (Part XX)


August 9, 2020

Why Did Jesus Suffer and Why Do We Suffer?

Image by Alberto Bobbera

"Why Did Jesus Suffer" (Part I)


February 9, 2020


"Why Did Jesus Suffer" (Part III)


February 23, 2020

"Why Did Jesus Suffer" (Part V)


March 8, 2020

"Why Did Jesus Suffer" (Part II)


February 16, 2020

"Why Did Jesus Suffer" (Part IV)


March 1, 2020

Life in the New Heaven and the New Earth

Image by Davide Cantelli

"Epiphany: The Magi Worship the Divine Messiah with Gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh"


January 5, 2020


"Life in the New Heaven And the New Earth"

(Part II)


January 19, 2020

"Life in the New Heaven And the New Earth"

(Part IV)


February 2, 2020

"Life in the New Heaven And the New Earth"

(Part I)


January 12, 2020

"Life in the New Heaven And the New Earth"

(Part III)


January 26, 2020

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